Aviation Law

Aviation Law
The commercial world of mergers & acquisitions is a harsh one. You’d better have a just as harsh team of sharky lawyers so that your business emerges as the winner in the court!
Senior Partner Mike Simpson is not only a lawyer but also a twin engine instrument pilot and is type rated in Citation jets.  As a pilot of twenty years, Mike knows the ins and outs of proper aircraft operation.  As a lawyer with forty years of experience, he also knows the law and how to get clients the compensation they deserve when something goes wrong.
If you or a loved one have been seriously injured or if a loved one passed away in an aviation accident, you need a team of lawyers who know what evidence to look for, how to get it, and how to navigate this nuanced area of the law.  You need Simpson, Simpson & Tuegel.

Free Legal Consultation

Our lawyers are available all business week long to provide you with their best initial analysis on your legal issue. Once you've decided to hire us for your defense or offense, we'll be there for you!

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